Do I have to submit a form to transfer a copyright?
“There are no forms provided by the U.S. Copyright Office to effect a copyright transfer. The Office does, however, keep records of transfers if they are submitted to the Office.”
— U.S. Copyright Office
- Law
- Copyright
- Copyright Questions
- Do buildings have copyright?
- What is editorial use?
- What is copyright infringement?
- Where is the public domain?
- Can I copy old family photos that are 65 years old?
- Can I use a photo off the Internet in a presentation?
- Can I use my newspaper photos in my portfolio?
- Can photos of my artwork be sold without my permission?
- Is it against the law to paint an old photograph that someone has taken?
- Do I have rights to photos I took for a college paper?
- Can I legally copy an old photo from an eBay ad?
- Can someone sell a painting of a photo that I took?
- Do I need permission to sell a photo of someone’s house?
- How do I prove that I took a disputed photo?
- Can similar shots of a landmark get copyright?
- Can a print store refuse to scan a portrait of me?
- I’m a model. If I hire a photographer, who gets the copyright?
- Who owns the copyright if the photographer died?
- Does copyright exist for proprietary RAW photos?
- Can I sell street photos without model releases?
- Can I copy proofs from a model shoot?
- Can I sell photos of famous public parks or landscapes?
- Do I need permission to sell photos of a famous building?
- Can I resell photos that I previously sold?
- Do I lose copyright if I enter online photo contests?
- Can I remove blemishes from a photo of me?
- Can a website use Facebook photos and make fun of them?
- Can a photographer rescind permission?
- Can I sell photos of paintings in a gallery?
- Can I use my photos in a portfolio if they’re on Facebook?
- Can I use product photos in my portfolio?
- Do website rippers infringe copyright?
- Can a yearbook publisher use my Facebook photos?
- Are particular old photos in the public domain?
- What if a photographer complains about unauthorized use?
- How do I convince a print store that I took some photos?
- Do I own copyright in a drawing of a photo?
- If I paid a photographer, who owns the copyright?
- Can I sell products using images from the Internet?
- Can I stop my wedding photographer from using my photos?
- Do I get copyright if I infringed someone’s rights?
- Do I need permission to sell a photo of a branded car?
- Can a school claim copyright for photos I took there?
- Can I copyright a 3D picture?
- How do I copyright my pictures?
- Can I publish photos of tattoos without permission?
- Am I infringing on copyright if I sell a montage using a picture of a statue?
- Can a photo of my family be sold without my permission?
- Can I sell photos of toys at a store?
- Can I stop a website using my Facebook photos?
- Can I sell photos that I find on a discarded computer?
- Can I copyright or trademark my building?
- Do I need permission to use photos of houses?
- If a client breaks a contract, can I revoke photo use?
- Can I copyright a photo with effects from an iPhone app?
- Can I paint and sell a photo from Google?
- Can I use a photo of a celebrity without their permission?
- Can I display on the Internet my photos of paintings made before 1800?
- Can I use thumbnail photos of storefronts in an online directory?
- Do we need permission from photographers to use their photos of our church?
- How do I get permission to use somebody else’s work?
- How can I find out who owns a copyright?
- Am I allowed to take photos of accidents to use as evidence?
- How can I obtain copies of someone else’s work and/or registration certificate?
- How much of someone else’s work can I use without getting permission?
- Can I photograph a painting by a dead painter for private display?
- How much do I have to change in order to claim copyright in someone else’s work?
- Somebody infringed my copyright. What can I do?
- Does the law stop us from selling photos of covered bridges in state parks?
- Could I be sued for using somebody else’s work? How about quotes or samples?
- Do you have a list of songs or movies in the public domain?
- Do I need a license in California to sell personally or online?
- I saw an image on the Library of Congress website that I would like to use. Do I need to obtain permission?
- My local copying store will not make reproductions of old family photographs. What can I do?
- Can I use, on my website, photos that I took at my full-time job?
- Can I paint and sell a photo by a famous photographer that I found on the Web?
- As a model, can I sell photos that I appear in?
- To sell photos of a city, do I need a permit for commercial photography?
- What are the laws regarding using family photos of siblings on a website?
- How can I disable the right-click ‘save target as’ on images?
- If I photograph a document that is out of copyright, do I get a new copyright to that photograph?
- Can I make copies of my professionally-taken family portraits?
- Can I sell photos that I took at zoos and battlefields?
- Can I sell pictures of buildings that show a phone number and address?
- In an ad campaign, can I use a photo I found on a website if I can’t find who owns the photo?
- Can I copyright a photo if I did not take it and it is over a 100 years old?
- What is copyright?
- Does a model have rights over photos I took of her?
- What does copyright protect?
- When is my work protected?
- Do I have to register my copyright to be protected?
- I’ve heard about a poor man’s copyright. What is it?
- Is my copyright good in other countries?
- Can I copyright my website?
- Can I copyright my domain name?
- How do I protect my recipe?
- How do I copyright a name, title, slogan or logo?
- How do I protect my idea?
- Does my work have to be published to be protected?
- How do I protect my sighting of Elvis?
- Does copyright protect architecture?
- How long does a copyright last?
- Are copyrights transferable?
- Do I have to submit a form to transfer a copyright?
- Can I copyright a diary I found in my grandmother’s attic?
- What is a copyright notice? How do I put a copyright notice on my work?
- What is a work made for hire?
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