
By Andrew Hudson Published: June 7, 2011 Updated: June 16, 2016

Andrew Hudson has been a professional photographer since 1996. His rich, color pictures have been featured in ten PhotoSecrets books about California and Las Vegas.

Andrew’s awards include the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best First Book, the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Coffee-Table/Photography Book, the Grand-Prize in the National Self-Published Book Awards, and a finalist in the Book of the Year awards, photography category.

Born in England, Andrew was previously an engineer and sales person. After receiving a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Manchester University, Andrew worked as a communications engineer in Coventry, London and Iraq for GEC Telecommunications. Entering the promising videoconferencing industry, he moved to New York in 1988, Philadelphia in 1989 and San Diego in 1990.

His last “real” job was as a Sales Manager for British Telecom. During a round-the-world trip in 1994, Andrew was frustrated that none of the guide books he’d brought explained where to photograph the exotic beach used in the James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun. He imagined a series of travel guide books designed for photographers. Two years later in 1996, Andrew quit his job and founded PhotoSecrets Publishing.

In 1999, Andrew started publishing coffee-table books and since 2000 he has also produced books with renowned National Geographic Traveler photographer Bob Krist.

In 2002, Andrew incorporated PhotoSecrets Publishing and renamed the company Photo Tour Books, Inc. Andrew has recently completed his fourteenth self-published book, A Photo Tour of Las Vegas.

Andrew lives in San Diego with his wife, Jennie, their children, Redford and Roxanne, and their dog, Panang. In his spare time he plays in a rock cover band and trains for marathons, recently racing the 2011 Boston Marathon (3:32).

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