PhotoSecrets Great Wall of China

A Photographer’s Guide

Best classic places spots hotspots sites sights views photo locations to photograph for photography with maps tips ideas composition postcard photos cool beautiful pictures



Great Wall of ChinaYuri Yavnik/Shutterstock

Great Wall of China

5 views to photograph
Great Wall of ChinaHao Wei/Wikipedia
Great Wall of ChinaZhu Difeng/Shutterstock
Great Wall of ChinaFotohunter/Shutterstock
Camels at Jiayu-PassEmcc83/Wikipedia
Gate at Yanmen PassUnderbar Dk/Wikipedia
Great Wall in the sea near Shanhai PassFuzheado/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at BadalingSamxli/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at DajingmenWangyunfeng/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at DandongJack Upland/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at Huangya PassRonnie Macdonald/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at Hushan立志堂/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at JinshanlingJakub Halun/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at Juyong PassDennis Jarvis/Flickr
Great Wall of China at MutianyuMario Savoia/Shutterstock
Great Wall of China at Shanhai PassBenbenw/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at SimataiJakub Halun/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at Yang Pass张骐/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at Yanmen PassAndyso/Wikipedia
Great Wall of China at Yumen PassBairuilong/Wikipedia
Jinshanling GondolaNaplee12/Wikipedia
Jinshanling Suspension BridgeRonnie Macdonald/Wikipedia
Small Fangpa Castle at Yumen Pass张骐/Wikipedia
Tower gate at Jiayu-PassHuowax/Wikipedia
View 1 JinshanlingJakub Hałun/Wikipedia
View 1 Taipingzhai to HuangyaguanRonnie Macdonald/Wikipedia
View 2 Taipingzhai to HuangyaguanRonnie Macdonald/Wikipedia
View 3 JinshanlingJakub Hałun/Wikipedia
View 5 JinshanlingCraig Nagy/Wikipedia
West end of Great Wall of ChinaRoland Longbow/Wikipedia



About PhotoSecrets



A great travel photo­graph, like a great news photo­graph, requires you to be in the right place at the right time to capture that special moment. Professional photo­graphers have a short-hand phrase for this: “F8 and be there.”

There are countless books that can help you with photo­graphic technique, the “F8” portion of that equation. But until now, there’s been little help for the other, more critical portion of that equation, the “be there” part. To find the right spot, you had to expend lots of time and shoe leather to wander around, track down every potential viewpoint, and essentially re-invent the wheel.

In my career as a professional travel photo­grapher, well over half my time on location is spent seeking out the good angles. Andrew Hudson’s PhotoSecrets does all that legwork for you, so you can spend your time photo­graphing instead of wandering about. It’s like having a professional location scout in your camera bag. I wish I had one of these books for every city I photo­graph on assignment.

PhotoSecrets can help you capture the most beautiful sights with a minimum of hassle and a maximum of enjoyment. So grab your camera, find your favorite PhotoSecrets spots, and “be there!”

About Bob Krist

Bob Krist has photo­graphed assignments for National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, Travel/­Holiday, Smithsonian, and Islands. He won “Travel photo­grapher of the Year” from the Society of American Travel Writers in 1994, 2007, and 2008.

For National Geographic, Bob has led round-the-world tours and a traveling lecture series. His book In Tuscany with Frances Mayes spent a month on The New York Times’ bestseller list and his how-to book Spirit of Place was hailed by American Photo­grapher magazine as “the best book about travel photo­graphy we’ve ever read.”

The parents of three sons, Bob and his wife live in New Hope, Pennsylvania.


Thank you for reading PhotoSecrets. As a fellow fan of travel and photo­graphy, I hope this guide will help you quickly find the most visually stunning places, and come home with equally stunning photo­graphs.

PhotoSecrets is designed to show you all the best sights. Flick through, see the classic shots, and use them as a departure point for your own creations. Get ideas for comp­osition and interesting viewpoints. See what piques your interest. Know what to shoot, where to stand, when to go, and why it’s interesting. Now you can spend less time researching and more time photographing.

The idea for PhotoSecrets came during a trip to Thailand, when I tried to find the exotic beach used in the James Bond movie The Man with the Golden Gun. None of the guidebooks I had showed a picture, so I thought a guidebook of postcard photos would be useful for us photographers. Twenty-plus years later, you have this guide. Thanks!

Now, start exploring — and take lots of photos!

About Andrew Hudson

Originally an engineer, Andrew Hudson started PhotoSecrets in 1995. His first book won the Benjamin Franklin Award for Best First Book and his second won the Grand Prize in the National Self-Published Book Awards.

Andrew has published 38 nationally-distributed photo­graphy books. He has photo­graphed assignments for Macy’s, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Men’s Health and Seventeen, and been a location scout for Nikon. His photos and articles have appeared in Alaska Airlines, National Geographic Traveler, Shutterbug Outdoor and Nature photo­graphy, Where, and Woman’s World.

Andrew has a degree in Computer Engineering from Manchester University and a certificate in copyright law from Harvard Law School. Born in Redditch, England, he lives with his wife, two kids, and two chocolate Labs, in San Diego, California.


At a Glance

Name:Great Wall of China
What:Series of fortifications on the northern border of China by Mongolia
Opened:206 BC
From:7th century bce
Fame:UNESCO World Heritage Site
GPS:40.67693, 117.23193
Far:75 km (47 miles) from Beihing
Size:21,196 km (13,171 mi)

Great Wall of China


Great Wall of China


Great Wall of China


Ideas for Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China


Great Wall of China



Thank you to the many wonderful people and companies that made their work available to use in this guide.

Photo key: Tap the camera icon to see the photo. The two letters reference the distributor and license. Key for distributors: s:Shutterstock; w:Wikipedia. Key for license: b:CC-BY; h:Shutterstock standard.

Cover image by .Zhu Difeng ( sh); Fotohunter ( sh); Christopher Meder ( wb); Hao Wei ( sh); Yuri Yavnik ( sh). Some text adapted from Wikipedia and its contributors where noted by the URL path in the “Wik” table field, used and modified under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC-BY-SA) license. Map data from OpenStreetMap and its contributors, used under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
