Yuri Arcurs goes exclusive with iStockphoto

By Andrew Hudson Published: July 25, 2013 Updated: August 22, 2014

Microstock legend Yuri Arcurs is removing all his 100,000 photos from Shutterstock, Dreamstime and Fotolia to go exclusively with iStockphoto, owned by Getty Images.

“We have found a good distribution partner (Getty Images) for the kind of content we produce. We will be removing all images from [competing] microstock [sites during] the next few weeks. Microstock, especially subscription sites, are not suited for the kind of high production cost images we produce.”
Yuri Arcurs, on Microstock Group, May 18, 2013

“Perhaps you have also seen the public statement that GettyImages made about Yuri Arcurs and PeopleImages.com going exclusive with Getty/Istock and removing close to 100,000 images from competitors (Shutterstock, Fotolia, Dreamstime, etc).”
— Yuri Arcurs, Arcurs.com, July 25, 2013

“Yuri Arcurs (me) and all our 20 photographers (7 of which are on the top 10 in the world) and our entire peopleimages.com production house, would leave and move all images to Istock/Getty.”
— Yuri Arcurs, Arcurs.com, July 25, 2013

“I have relaunched www.peopleimages.com in a v2.0 and we share our content with GettyImages/Istockphoto. … As of last month, our entire collection of images, now reaching 120’000, can only be found on our own site Peopleimages.com, GettyImages.com and Istockphoto.com.”
— Yuri Arcurs, Arcurs.com, July 25, 2013


Sources: Microstock Group, Michael Jay, Arcurs.com.

Next page: From 35mm to 16:9, a history of aspect ratio


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December 8, 2013

It seems Yuri Arcurs lied. Six months after his announcement, he still has more than 35,000 in Dreamstime:


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