Photoshop CS6 adds content-aware move

By Andrew Hudson Published: February 13, 2012 Updated: August 2, 2014

By Andrew Hudson Published: February 13, 2012 Updated: August 2, 2014

Adobe has announced a very useful and cool feature for Photoshop CS6 called “content-aware move.” You’ll be able to easily move entire objects within the photo and have Photoshop automatically paste in the correct background.

In the image above, when the girl in red is moved to the center of the image, new grass and part of a building is added seamlessly. In the image below, the subject is moved to the right while the appropriate sky, sand, and blue wall is added.

Here’s a sneak-peek video from Bryan O’Neil Hughes, Senior Product Manager for Photoshop:

While Adobe hasn’t yet provided an expected release date for Photoshop CS6, the company has been demonstrating various upcoming features on their official Photoshop YouTube channel. Here are some of the sneak peeks:

Sneak Peek #1: Camera RAW

You can extract almost hidden data from your camera’s raw output to improve highlights, shadows, clarity and noise.

Sneak Peek #2: Background Save

Files can be saved in the background, and filters perform faster.

Sneak Peek #3: Dashed and Dotted Line

Designers can easily add dotted and dashed lines.

Sneak Peek #4: Content-Aware Move

As discussed above.

Sneak Peek #5: User Settings

Your settings from previous Photoshop versions can easily be imported to CS6.

Source: Photoshop YouTube channel via WebDesignerDepot.

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