Make cash with your camera

By Andrew Hudson Published: May 16, 2017 Updated: May 23, 2017

Want to earn some cash? Kevin Jordan at Improve Photography has a nice article titled 20 Ways to Make a Side Income with your Camera.

Here’s the short version:

  1. Weddings
  2. Engagement photos
  3. Senior portraits
  4. Family portraits
  5. Real estate
  6. Events
  7. Corporate headshots
  8. Product photography
  9. Sporting events
  10. Stock photography
  11. Sell prints
  12. Teaching
  13. Lead workshops
  14. Food photography
  15. Drone photography
  16. Photographing youth activities
  17. Write for a photography website
  18. Write an e-book
  19. Write an actual book
  20. Sell your camera

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Source: Kevin Jordan, Improve Photography, 5/16/17

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