ASCII art nod for PhotoSecrets

By Andrew Hudson Published: April 30, 2012 Updated: November 26, 2013

By Andrew Hudson Published: April 30, 2012 Updated: November 26, 2013

The ASCII art of PhotoSecrets has been honored at Github.

In the article “ASCII Art Signatures In The Wild or: How I Downloaded The Internet And Learned How Much One Million Is,” Github contributor Victor Widell kindly included PhotoSecrets at #25 on his list of the “more interesting examples” of ASCII art from the Alexa one million top domains list. The “art” in question is a hidden PhotoSecrets logo embedded in each page of this website.

“As a web developer/designer (amongst other things), I take pride in my craftsmanship and like to sign my work with an ASCII art signature in an HTML comment. .. I had this idea: Wouldn’t it be awesome to scan through a chunk of the Internet and see who else is doing the same thing, and how their signatures look? .. I’ve picked out a few of the more interesting examples.”
— Victor Widell, 25 April 2012, Github

“ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard from 1963..”
Wikipedia, ASCII art.

:::::::::::::::::::::: Welcome to the source code of :::::::::::::::::::::: _____ _ _ ______ _ | __ |___ ___| |_ ___/ ____/ ___ ___ _ __ __| |_ ___ | |__) | _ / _ __|/ _ ___ / _ / __| ‘__/ _ __|___| | ___/ | | | (_) ||_| (_) |__) | __/ (__| | | __/ |___ |_| |_| |_|___/__|___/_____/___|___|_| ___|__|___/::::::::: coding & design by Andrew Hudson, 2012 :::::::::

Source: Victor Widell on Github.

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